Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The 'C' Word

Dear Dobson,

All my well intentioned ideas of a run this morning have again fallen by the wayside and I am now in bed drinking the miracle that is tea.  I swear it has magical properties as the mild hangover I woke with has, at last, started to abate.

I also have Jeremy Kyle on for background noise.  It raises my spirits and makes me feel like I'm a decent enough human being, like I'm doing something right in this God forsaken existence of ours.

I wanted to blog and congratulate you on your stand-up début last night.  I felt a huge surge of pride and admiration for you.  You funny fucker.  I can't wait for the next one.

Life chez Frankie has been a bit of a rollercoaster of late.  I think it's symptomatic of the nights drawing in.  The chill of winter is waiting just around the corner, like a South-east London mugger, and I'm dreading the prospect.  The arrival of the Black Dog at some point feels painfully inevitable.

On top of that we're not even a week into November and all the Christmas shite has started...   To quote a good friend of mine, it makes me incandescent with rage.  How on earth in this day and age can advertising taglines like this be justified?:

'It doesn't just happen by magic, behind every great Christmas there's mum and behind mum there's Asda'

At which point the camera pans to a smug looking man holding a glass of booze, quietly pleased he's got away with doing feck all...  Cunt.  The tagline should be 'Behind mum, there's a pissed up dad with his cock in one hand and a fistful of goose fat in the other...'

Hush my cynical mouth.


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