Thursday, 31 January 2013

Matters Of The H***t

Dear Dobson,

Given your absence I’ve unilaterally decided to fill our sacred space with the sound of my own voice.  I can hear you breathe a sigh of relief along with our avid readership.

I was planning on sleeping, but even after a very satisfying DP wank, slumber isn’t coming easily.  To add insult to injury I’m listening to Ben Howard – obviously my mind isn’t functioning too well this evening.

It would seem there’s a whiff of spring in the air and it’s not only the climate that’s thawing out.  The Ice Queen is melting and she’s not very happy about it.  Life always feels much easier when things like emotions and feelings are kept to a bare minimum or shared exclusively with those you’re secure with.

What’s fairly annoying is when someone you’ve not even known for that long, comes along and inadvertently finds their way into those frickin’ emotions and feelings...  Imagine for a moment, if you will, that I have a heart; a big, beating, passionate heart.  Imagine, again, this heart is in the middle of a maze and there’s a chap who’s just entered said maze.  At the moment he’s on the periphery, which is relatively safe yet provokes some fear and tension because he’s slowly going to make his way to the centre - nothing surer.  When he reaches that ‘big, beating, passionate heart’ at the core of the maze he’s going to pull out a big feckin’ carving knife and do some serious damage – or something.  Isn’t that how it goes?

Fuck it.  I need a post-orgasmic pee…

Come back soon.  Who knows how much longer folks will be able to handle this drivel.



  1. A DP wank? Does that involve synchronised penetration or does one device go in when the other one goes out (syncopation?). Anyway, I hope you find a way of dealing with your heart problem. They say that embracing the sadness makes it better.

    1. Dear Gorilla Bananas,

      For my good self, a DP wank is the former of your definitions - total synchronisation in front and back bottoms; quite marvellous it is too. And thank you for your kind wishes re. my h****t problem. I'm adopting an adult approach to it and pretending it's not really happening.

